Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Floor mats Are Here!

The rest of the floormats I ordered finally came in!  We got 80 square feet of 3/8 inch gray floor mats from EZGoodDeals.com.  It was by far the most affordable place to get them.  Installation was a snap (HA!  Get it?  Snap?  Cuz they snap together...).  Anywho, it adds that necessary face plant padding to the floor in Robert's room. 

He's been sitting up a lot more lately, but when he's over it, he just tosses his body backwards.  I don't think anything is going to absorb that kind of hit, so I still just sit behind him so he can fall into me. 

As he's doing tummy time, though, I no longer have to worry about him getting tired and dropping his face into the floor.  The mats provide a sufficient cushion for the 3 inch face plant. 

Here's how his room looks now:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

It's Father's Day, and Robert decided to celebrate early.  He woke up at 6 AM ready to play.  You gotta love a happy baby!  With his big, little hands, he grabbed at my face and started pulling.  As dawn leaked into my eyes, I focused on my smiling little man.  "Morning, Sunshine," was all I could muster.  He laughed, giggled, and continued to smack me until I got up.  If this is how he wakes me up at 6 months old, I wonder what he'll do when he's older...

We went to Art's Cafe on Irving for breakfast.  We figured it'd be relatively empty, since they opened at 8 AM.  We were right.  Breakfast was great, and Robert is evermore eager to share in the culinary delights that we feast on.  When he has teeth, he will partake, but for now, it's all mama and Gerber! 

We spent the next few hours on Clement street, waiting for various shops to open.  Sloat Garden Center opened at 9 AM, Green Apple Books at 10 AM, and Citikids at 11 AM.  We estimated that we could spend about an hour at each, and it'd be a perfect place to walk around and digest our meal. 

Sloat Garden Center off Clement is a lot smaller than the one on Sloat, and we breezed through it without a purchase in about 20 minutes.  We were hoping to find more herbs for Sandra's little herb garden, a fruit tree, or something else to put out in the backyard.  With 40 minutes till Green Apple opened, we careened down Clement to see what we could find.  Robert, riding in his stroller, was asleep.  Lucky man.  He got to wake us up, play, eat, and now he was lights out but still along for the ride. 

We walked down Clement and turned onto Geary to check out Lamps Plus or whatever that light store's called.  I noticed this little beauty in the window:

and thought that's be perfect for the hallway!  It's got all the benefits of track lighting (positionable lights), but none of the hassle (mounting the track).  We have to someday come back while they're open to check this bad boy out! 

Anywho, we got Robert a book from Green Apple, and looked at car seats at Citikids.  I couldn't believe it wasn't even noon yet, and we had already done all that. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Replacing the Alleyway Drain Cover

A few weeks ago, I cleaned out the drain to make sure it wasn't backed up.  The drain cover had been rusted so badly, that it was crumbling in my hands.  I decided to look for a new one.  Home Depot and Lowes didn't carry it.  It wasn't even that they didn't carry it, they didn't really know what I was talking about! 

I decided to check out the Plumbing store on Lawton - they have everything there!  Sure enough, they had it for $6.95.  I picked it up and laid it down - perfect. 

Now, I just have to figure out what to do about the gap fom the concrete to the drain opening!  You think there's some kind of rubber cement that'd do the trick?  I want to keep this drain from leaking into the garage.