Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We currently have 6 single paned dual hung windows in the front of the house along with one single paned picture window in the bedroom that we believe contribute greatly to heat loss. We can literally feel cold air streaming in through the windows at night.  Plus, when it's windy outside, so much air gets through the windows that we can visibly see the curtains moving... or our house is haunted and the ghosts get rowdy when it's windy outside. 

The window in the bathroom also no longer opens.  The hinge at the bottom has been rusted for some time, and it was only a matter of time before it got rusted shut.  That time has arrived.  The permanently shut window along with one of my bad decisions (not installing a ceiling fan when we were working on the bathroom.. and had the ceiling open), is resulting in a lot of moisture in the bathroom during showers and baths.  This needs to be replaced.  

It's a long time coming, but today, we got Renewal By Anderson windows.  From the date that I signed the papers to the date of installation was a little over 2 months.  We had a missed connection back on November 30, and we got rescheduled for this week due to possible rain that didn't happen.  The most pains taking part of this was that I had to remove all the furniture near the windows both times!  That included the bed, dressers, couches, and curtains.  It may not seem like a lot, but I'm the only one doing it all with a 1 year old!  A total of three guys showed up this morning to do the installation.  They mentioned more were coming to attempt to speed this up, but the rest of the crew never made it. 

Removing each window was a really quick process.  The one guy who arrived (around 9:50 AM) before the other two removed all six double hung windows by himself in under an hour.  They laid plastic along the carpeted stairs and paper along the hallway.  Tarps were placed under the openings where the windows were.  He removed thin pieces of wood trim around the windows, then cut the rope inside the rails.  From there, the windows (surprisingly) just came out.  The weight stayed inside the wall.  Seeing the holes in the wall now, I should've bought a few cans of spray foam and filled them with insulation.  Dang it. The new windows went in pretty easily, too.  One thing I noticed was that every window was slightly smaller than the opening (about an inch or two).  What they did from there was cut trim to size that snapped into the window and covered the gaps.  I was slightly disappointed by this since it gave me a smaller window for pretty much no reason.  The gaps between the window and the frame were spray foamed before the coverings were placed over them. 

The picture window in the bedroom was pretty nasty.  By nasty, I mean moldy.  It had a serious moisture leak, so I was glad this was getting replaced.  This new window, however, was not privacy glass as it should've been.  It was regular glass.  The installation crew said they'd mention it to the office and have someone later replace it.  This window was measured to the opening, and it was about 1/4 inch too tall.  The installation crew had to chisel out the frame on the exterior to get the window the properly fit.  This took forever.  Just when you think everything's going smoothly, something always has to cause a hiccup.  They got it done and put the window in, though. 

The casement window in the bathroom came out easily and went in easily.  The hardest part was having someone climb through it to caulk the outside. 

They took no breaks and no lunch, and they finished the job at 4:36 PM!  Just in time for me to vacuum, put everything back, then run to daycare to pick up Robert!  These guys are awesome!!!

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